Rubber O-ring manufacturer in Tamil Nadu – Delivering customized solutions

Rubber O-rings are mechanical gaskets used to prevent leaks in gas and fluids. It is manufactured from different types of elastomers. There are many types of O-ring materials and these include: 1. Neoprene 2. Nitrile 3. PTFE 4. RPDM Rubber 5. Fluorocarbon 6. Silicone For high temperature applications Silicone is commonly used. Rubber O-ring manufacturers in Tamil Nadu delivers both custom standard and industry standards. The size may vary depending on the type of the product selected. The O-rings are available in different size, materials, profiles and durometers. O-Ring material selection There are many types of materials available and each has different applications and features. Certain materials improve performance in high heat and chemical applications while others det...