The benefits of single-sourcing Rubber products supplier

Single sourcing is defined as procuring a specific category of components from one supplier. It comes with a host of benefits like easy management of vendor records, quick invoice processing, and one-point shipment. On a negative note, some buyers feel that it could make them dependent on one vendor leading to forceful acceptance of their terms and conditions. Moreover, situations like quality issues and running out of stock could put the buyer in a delicate situation. But the above negatives are common when you source from multiple vendors too. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial to single-source your rubber products supplier. Benefits of single sourcing from Alfa Rubber 1. Unlimited supply of raw material: South India is renowned for its vast rubber plantations; this ensures constant supply to meet the growing demands of the rubber industry. With no delay in procuring raw materials, the production never stops, making it a reliable single-sour...