Rubber caps come with very versatile uses. Be it related to the forms or functionalities, there is a way plethora of ways that rubber caps can be used for. Rubber caps come with several characteristics. Some of the main characteristics are as follows – For Hygiene - Rubber caps prevent the dirt getting into the inner areas and as such they are vital tools for applications related to hygiene. Be it for cleaning equipment or for furniture, rubber caps help in this endeavour . Aesthetics - Rubber caps enhance the look of the any furniture or equipment that they are used in. For Safety Purposes - Rubber caps offer anti-slip effect and also absorb the shocks. It is for this reason that they are widely used in equipment to incorporate safety. For Preventing Noise - Rubber caps are a great tool for preventing the screechy noises that furniture or other metal equipment make. Rubber end caps come in various shapes and it is because of the multifarious applications that they are used in. S...